Post by LoriHi Dragonfly,
I haven't seen you here for ages but of course I haven't been here for
ages either!
It seemed lke everyone lost interst in the group which is sad. We all
need each other to share and discuss what helps us.
It sounds like you are doing much better. That is good news! Way to
Sorry I haven't been here lately. Been dealing with some other health
issues. I'll try to get back more often.
I hope some of the others will come back and post too. There is nothing
about posting to be nervous about. Nobody is with you. You are all
alone with your keyboard. :-)
I believe my aogoraphobia monster is slowly leaving my body which is a
good thing! I am now able to get out in public much easier. It's kinda
nice to get out in the world again. :-)
Glad you're slowly getting a grip on it, but don't give up now! Sounds
like you're close to breaking free of the agoraphobia, I'm so proud of
you! I know it isn't easy, only too well...
Better is relative. I almost never leave the house anymore. I'm sure
you know what that means (unlike my friends, who are starting to leave
me angry voicemails asking me why I'm not going out anymore). And...
let's just leave it at that.
If there is one near enough, you should try to go to a library. That's
one of the first places I went to, without "needing" to go. Its always
quiet and peaceful in libraries, especially in early afternoon, in my
experience. Plus so many books! And if you check out some books, then
you have to come back to return them. I used to go once a week, kept
me going out and for something more enjoyable than school or work or